Linux – How does LVM find drives after setup


I want to move all my 14.5 TB of media drives (not OS) to a combined LVM file system due to constant problems arranging things to fit into multiple smaller file systems.

My question is if after setup any of the 6 drives moves to a different location (/dev/sd*), is that going to be a problem? I have always mounted them based on UUID, but I don't know LVM enough to know how it works with multiple drives.
I know I can still mount the file system based on UUID, but I want to make sure LVM is not going to be messed up finding the individual parts of the system.

I have to ask this since, for some reason, if I reboot with USB drives inserted they get lower sd* letters than some of the media drives and it causes those media drives to be rearranged for that boot only.

PS. I maintain off site backups of my media so I'm not to worried about if one drive fails breaking stuff. Only mentioned since my Google searches of LVM always have someone trying to talk the person out of it because one problem loses everything.

Best Answer

Each LVM object (physical volume, volume group, logical volume) has a UUID. LVM doesn't care where physical volumes are located and will assemble them as long as it can find them.

By default, LVM (specifically vgscan, invoked from an init script) scans all likely-looking block devices at boot time. You can define filters in /etc/lvm.conf. As long as you don't define restrictive filters, it doesn't matter how you connect your drives. You can even move partitions around while the system isn't running and LVM will still know how to assemble them.

You hardly ever need to interact with LVM's UUIDs. Usually you would refer to a volume group by name and to a logical volume by its name inside its containing volume group.

If you use LVM for all your volumes, the only thing that may be affected by shuffling disks around is your bootloader.

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