Linux Kernel – How Did the Project Track Bugs in the Early Days?


We all know that Linus Torvalds created Git because of issues with Bitkeeper. What is not known (at least to me) is, how were issues/tickets/bugs tracked up until then? I tried but didn't get anything interesting. The only discussion I was able to get on the subject was this one where Linus shared concerns with about using Bugzilla.

Speculation: – The easiest way for people to track bugs in the initial phase would have been to put tickets in a branch of its own but am sure that pretty quickly that wouldn't have scaled with the noise over-taking the good bugs.

I've seen and used Bugzilla and unless you know the right 'keywords' at times you would be stumped. NOTE: I'm specifically interested in the early years (1991-1995) as to how they used to track issues.

I did look at two threads, "Kernel SCM saga", and "Trivia: When did git self-host?" but none of these made mention about bug-tracking of the kernel in the early days.

I searched around and wasn't able to get of any FOSS bug-tracking software which was there in 1991-1992. Bugzilla, Request-tracker, and others came much later, so they appear to be out.

Key questions

  1. How did then Linus, the subsystem-maintainers, and users report and track bugs in those days?
  2. Did they use some bug-tracking software, made a branch of bugs and manually committed questions and discussions on the bug therein (would be expensive and painful to do that) or just use e-mail.
  3. Much later, Bugzilla came along (first release 1998) and that seems to be the primary way to report bugs afterwards.

Looking forward to have a clearer picture of how things were done in the older days.

Best Answer

In the beginning, if you had something to contribute (a patch or a bug report), you mailed it to Linus. This evolved into mailing it to the list (which was before was created).

There was no version control. From time to time, Linus put a tarball on the FTP server. This was the equivalent of a "tag". The available tools at the beginning were RCS and CVS, and Linus hates those, so everybody just mailed patches. (There is an explanation from Linus about why he didn't want to use CVS.)

There were other pre-Bitkeeper proprietary version control systems, but the decentralized, volunteer-based development of Linux made it impossible to use them. A random person who just found a bug will never send a patch if it has to go through a proprietary version control system with licenses starting in the thousands of dollars.

Bitkeeper got around both of those problems: it wasn't centralized like CVS, and while it was not Free Software, kernel contributors were allowed to use it without paying. That made it good enough for a while.

Even with today's git-based development, the mailing lists are still where the action is. When you want to contribute something, you'll prepare it with git of course, but you'll have to discuss it on the relevant mailing list before it gets merged. Bugzilla is there to look "professional" and soak up half-baked bug reports from people who don't really want to get involved.

To see some of the old bug-reporting instructions, get the historical Linux repository. (This is a git repository containing all the versions from before git existed; mostly it contains one commit per release since it was reconstructed from the tarballs). Files of interest include README, MAINTAINERS, and REPORTING-BUGS.

One of the interesting things you can find there is this from the Linux-0.99.12 README:

 - if you have problems that seem to be due to kernel bugs, please mail
   them to me (Linus.Torvalds@Helsinki.FI), and possibly to any other
   relevant mailing-list or to the newsgroup.  The mailing-lists are
   useful especially for SCSI and NETworking problems, as I can't test
   either of those personally anyway.
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