Linux – How big should the rootfs partition should be on Arch Linux

arch linuxdisk-usageroot-filesystem

I've installed ArchLinux yesterday and set up a 10 GB partition for the root file system, 256 MB for swap, and the rest (456 GB) for my /home.

However I still have 4.0 GB left on my root file system after installing some packages (GNOME, Firefox, Thunderbird etc…) and running a pacman clear cache.

Does it suffice to have 10 GB for root file system, or could I end up running out of space in a couple of weeks/months?

Best Answer

I usually make my root partition sizes for some of the distributions I run around 40 GB and haven't gone less than 20GB.

It really depends on the operating system, display/window manager, and intended use. My intended use is Geographic Information Systems so this can involve installing several extra packages often exceeding several GBs (10+) in disk space once finished.

KDE/GNOME based distros I try to set a 40GB root partition because there are lots of widgets and add-ons available so its good to provide some disk space overhead for those.

Lightweight distros like LXDE, XFCE, icewm for example I can usually get away with a 20GB root partition.

My $.02