Linux – Gnome3/Archlinux move windows with keys

arch linuxgnome3keyboardwindow

Looking for an app that will allow me to move my Gnome3 windows with keys like Ctrl+Alt+Home to move to top left corner of the screen.

Essentially, this is what Winsplit revolution does on windows.

Here is one solution, over at ubuntu, but it is a realy PITA:

Best Answer

One of the really powerful things about GNOME 3 is the ability to use javascript-based addons to add functionality. Though I am not entirely sure this addon will completely fulfill what you're looking for, I imagine it is about as close as you're going to get.

Put Windows is meant to be a completely customizable implementation of compiz's put plugin.

Edit: I just realized how old this question was. Much has changed since the OP posted the question, but its spirit appears to still be relevant, and this answer should be helpful.

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