Linux – gnome-open replaced by sublime


Update: It seems that it has been automatically fixed, however the same applies whenever I try to sudo gnome-open or gksu gnome-open

Well, this is a really weird one. I'm currently running Mint 13 and I just installed all my apps, including Sublime Text 2 and Dropbox.

Whenever I click the dropbox icon, instead of opening the folder, it opens sublime, the equivalent of running sublime-text-2 <dropbox folder>. Initially I thought it was a Dropbox bug, but when I tried to run gnome-open ., sublime gets opened (twice) instead of a files browser.

What could be happening here? I get the same result by running mate-open ., altough both commands appear to be in the right directory:

~  » whereis gnome-open 
gnome-open: /usr/bin/gnome-open /usr/bin/X11/gnome-open /usr/share/man/man1/gnome-open.1.gz
~  » whereis mate-open
mate-open: /usr/bin/mate-open /usr/bin/X11/mate-open

Also, I tried uninstalling sublime and both commands now work as they should, but whenever I install sublime, the same happens!

Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

The below solution worked for me.

Run mate-default-applications-properties from terminal (or the application to set your preferred applications).
Set the default application choices.
Click close.
You are done!.
Don't ask me how/why.