Linux – get file size and line count at the same time


I'm looking for a way to list all files in a directory, with both their size, and a line count. Right now I'm using stat -c \"%s %n\" /directory/* to get file names and sizes, and I know I can use find /directory/ -type f -exec wc -l {} + to get file name and line count, but is there any way I can get both at the same time?

Best Answer

You are almost there.

find directory -type f -exec wc -lc {} +

will get file name, line count, and character count.

Strictly speaking, -c (a.k.a. --bytes) is documented as counting bytes, which is probably what you want.   There is also a -m (a.k.a. --chars) option for counting “characters”.  From the choice of the m option letter, I guess this counts multi-byte characters; e.g., Unicode characters.  There is also a -w option for actually counting words.

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