Linux – Force-Mount windows hibernated partition in Read/Write mode


I have a dual boot system with an NTFS partition (C:) dedicated to the windows 8 OS files, an EXT4 partition dedicated to Linux Mint 17.

There is also another NTFS partition (E:) which I would like to use for some files shared between the two OS's.

The problem is that whenever I hibernate Windows 8 it sets the hibernation flag on both C: and E: making it impossible to write into the shared partition from Linux.

Is there any way to force Linux Mint to mount the partiton as R/W or to prevent windows 8 from setting this flag on the shared partition? I know that an obvious solution would be to just normally shutdown windows 8 (with fast boot disabled) but I really need to have it hibernated.

Best Answer

ntfs-3g has an option that will force delete the hibernation file and force a rw mount:

# mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdXX /media/windows

From ntfs-3g(8):


mount -t ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] volume mount_point



Unlike in case of read-only mount, the read-write mount is denied if the NTFS volume is hibernated. One needs either to resume Windows and shutdown it properly, or use this option which will remove the Windows hibernation file. Please note, this means that the saved Windows session will be completely lost. Use this option under your own responsibility.

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