Linux – files in /proc/$PID (e.g. ssh-agent, Chrome) are not owned by user but by root


I am just answering another question here 🙂 and thus had a look – wanted to have a look at /proc/$PID/fd of ssh-agent in order to find out which socket it uses. But I can't. I am quite surprised to notice that most files and directories belong to root. ssh-agent runs as my user (so does its parent process) and is not installed SUID root. I wasn't able to find out where exactly KDE starts it. I am curious; can someone tell my what's happening here?

Or is this not about the user at all, can processes use some kernel magic in order to hide (most of) their /proc info from the public (and even other processes of the same user)?

I just checked the /proc/$PID/fd of all my processes and noticed that ssh-agent is not the only process with this strange attribute. The others are the bunch of Chrome processes and kdesud (no SUID root binary either).

Best Answer

[The following is adapted from text I'm just in the process of adding to the proc(5) manual page, which answers this question.]

The files under /proc/PID are normally owned by the effective user and effective group ID of the process. However, as a security measure, the ownership is made root:root if the process's "dumpable" attribute is set to a value other than 1. [The default value of this attribute is 1. Setting this attribute to 0 causes a process not to produce core dumps, since they may contain sensitive information. Likewise, certain files in /proc/PID can provide access to sensitive information.]

This attribute may change for the following reasons:

  1. The attribute was explicitly set via the prctl(2) PR_SET_DUMPABLE operation.
  2. The attribute was reset to the value in the file /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable.

The default value in /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable is 0. The reasons that the dumpable attribute may be reset to the value in the suid_dumpable file are described in the prctl(2) manual page:

  • The process's effective user or group ID is changed.
  • The process's filesystem user or group ID is changed.
  • The process executes a set-user-ID or set-group-ID program, or a program that has capabilities.
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