Linux File Versioning


We are migrating from A VMS environment to a Linux environment for some old alpha servers we are decommissioning. The one challenge I have not been able to overcome is file versioning. VMS keeps multiple copies of the same file by using a version flag. I have found multiple options on source forge however I have not found anyone who has experience with any of these in a major production environment. the reson this is needed is because the feeds from other systems do not take unique file names into account. We are trying to keep our scope as light as possible.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

The 2 main ones that appear to be available are:

  • Wayback
  • EtcKeeper – not sure If you can apply it to only one directory or multiple.

Has anyone used these in an enterprise environment? Are there other options I should be considering?

Best Answer

I would look into an actual versioning file system if you're absolutely sure you want this functionality still. Most of them are covered on Wikipedia, titled: Versioning file system. This is the list of options from that article for Linux.


No mainstream Linux file system supports versioning, but a number of experimental/research and lesser-known solutions do, namely:

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