OpenVPN Network Namespace – How to Route Traffic Through OpenVPN for Specific Namespace


I am trying to set up a VPN (using OpenVPN) such that all of the traffic, and only the traffic, to/from specific processes goes through the VPN; other processes should continue to use the physical device directly. It is my understanding that the way to do this in Linux is with network namespaces.

If I use OpenVPN normally (i.e. funnelling all traffic from the client through the VPN), it works fine. Specifically, I start OpenVPN like this:

# openvpn --config destination.ovpn --auth-user-pass credentials.txt

(A redacted version of destination.ovpn is at the end of this question.)

I'm stuck on the next step, writing scripts that restrict the tunnel device to namespaces. I have tried:

  1. Putting the tunnel device directly in the namespace with

    # ip netns add tns0
    # ip link set dev tun0 netns tns0
    # ip netns exec tns0 ( ... commands to bring up tun0 as usual ... )

    These commands execute successfully, but traffic generated inside the namespace (e.g. with ip netns exec tns0 traceroute -n falls into a black hole.

  2. On the assumption that "you can [still] only assign virtual Ethernet (veth) interfaces to a network namespace" (which, if true, takes this year's award for most ridiculously unnecessary API restriction), creating a veth pair and a bridge, and putting one end of the veth pair in the namespace. This doesn't even get as far as dropping traffic on the floor: it won't let me put the tunnel into the bridge! [EDIT: This appears to be because only tap devices can be put into bridges. Unlike the inability to put arbitrary devices into a network namespace, that actually makes sense, what with bridges being an Ethernet-layer concept; unfortunately, my VPN provider does not support OpenVPN in tap mode, so I need a workaround.]

    # ip addr add dev tun0 local scope link
    # ip link set tun0 up
    # ip link add name teo0 type veth peer name tei0
    # ip link set teo0 up
    # brctl addbr tbr0
    # brctl addif tbr0 teo0
    # brctl addif tbr0 tun0
    can't add tun0 to bridge tbr0: Invalid argument

The scripts at the end of this question are for the veth approach. The scripts for the direct approach may be found in the edit history. Variables in the scripts that appear to be used without setting them first are set in the environment by the openvpn program — yes, it's sloppy and uses lowercase names.

Please offer specific advice on how to get this to work. I'm painfully aware that I'm programming by cargo cult here — has anyone written comprehensive documentation for this stuff? I can't find any — so general code review of the scripts is also appreciated.

In case it matters:

# uname -srvm
Linux 3.14.5-x86_64-linode42 #1 SMP Thu Jun 5 15:22:13 EDT 2014 x86_64
# openvpn --version | head -1
OpenVPN 2.3.2 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [eurephia] [MH] [IPv6] built on Mar 17 2014
# ip -V
ip utility, iproute2-ss140804
# brctl --version
bridge-utils, 1.5

The kernel was built by my virtual hosting provider (Linode) and, although compiled with CONFIG_MODULES=y, has no actual modules — the only CONFIG_* variable set to m according to /proc/config.gz was CONFIG_XEN_TMEM, and I do not actually have that module (the kernel is stored outside my filesystem; /lib/modules is empty, and /proc/modules indicates that it was not magically loaded somehow). Excerpts from /proc/config.gz provided on request, but I don't want to paste the entire thing here.

#! /bin/sh

mask2cidr () {
    local nbits dec
    for dec in $(echo $1 | sed 's/\./ /g') ; do
        case "$dec" in
            (255) nbits=$(($nbits + 8)) ;;
            (254) nbits=$(($nbits + 7)) ;;
            (252) nbits=$(($nbits + 6)) ;;
            (248) nbits=$(($nbits + 5)) ;;
            (240) nbits=$(($nbits + 4)) ;;
            (224) nbits=$(($nbits + 3)) ;;
            (192) nbits=$(($nbits + 2)) ;;
            (128) nbits=$(($nbits + 1)) ;;
            (0)   ;;
            (*) echo "Error: $dec is not a valid netmask component" >&2
                exit 1
    echo "$nbits"

mask2network () {
    local host mask h m result
    while [ -n "$host" ]; do
        result="$result.$(($h & $m))"
    echo "${result#.}"

maybe_config_dns () {
    local n option servers
    while [ $n -lt 100 ]; do
       eval option="\$foreign_option_$n"
       [ -n "$option" ] || break
       case "$option" in
               set -- $option
nameserver $3"
           (*) ;;
       n=$(($n + 1))
    if [ -n "$servers" ]; then
        cat > /etc/netns/$tun_netns/resolv.conf <<EOF
# name servers for $tun_netns

config_inside_netns () {
    local ifconfig_cidr ifconfig_network

    ifconfig_cidr=$(mask2cidr $ifconfig_netmask)
    ifconfig_network=$(mask2network $ifconfig_local $ifconfig_netmask)

    ip link set dev lo up

    ip addr add dev $tun_vethI \
        local $ifconfig_local/$ifconfig_cidr \
        broadcast $ifconfig_broadcast \
        scope link
    ip route add default via $route_vpn_gateway dev $tun_vethI
    ip link set dev $tun_vethI mtu $tun_mtu up

export PATH

set -ex

# For no good reason, we can't just put the tunnel device in the
# subsidiary namespace; we have to create a "virtual Ethernet"
# device pair, put one of its ends in the subsidiary namespace,
# and put the other end in a "bridge" with the tunnel device.


case "$tun_netns" in
     (tns[0-9] | tns[0-9][0-9] | tns[0-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
     (*) exit 1;;

if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ $1 = "INSIDE_NETNS" ]; then
    [ $(ip netns identify $$) = $tun_netns ] || exit 1

    trap "rm -rf /etc/netns/$tun_netns ||:
          ip netns del $tun_netns      ||:
          ip link del $tun_vethO       ||:
          ip link set $tun_tundv down  ||:
          brctl delbr $tun_bridg       ||:
         " 0

    mkdir /etc/netns/$tun_netns

    ip addr add dev $tun_tundv local scope link
    ip link set $tun_tundv mtu $tun_mtu up

    ip link add name $tun_vethO type veth peer name $tun_vethI
    ip link set $tun_vethO mtu $tun_mtu up

    brctl addbr $tun_bridg
    brctl setfd $tun_bridg 0
    #brctl sethello $tun_bridg 0
    brctl stp $tun_bridg off

    brctl addif $tun_bridg $tun_vethO
    brctl addif $tun_bridg $tun_tundv
    ip link set $tun_bridg up

    ip netns add $tun_netns
    ip link set dev $tun_vethI netns $tun_netns
    ip netns exec $tun_netns $0 INSIDE_NETNS

    trap "" 0

#! /bin/sh

export PATH

set -ex


case "$tun_netns" in
     (tns[0-9] | tns[0-9][0-9] | tns[0-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
     (*) exit 1;;

[ -d /etc/netns/$tun_netns ] || exit 1

pids=$(ip netns pids $tun_netns)
if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
    kill $pids
    sleep 5
    pids=$(ip netns pids $tun_netns)
    if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
        kill -9 $pids

# this automatically cleans up the the routes and the veth device pair
ip netns delete "$tun_netns"
rm -rf /etc/netns/$tun_netns

# the bridge and the tunnel device must be torn down separately
ip link set $dev down
brctl delbr $tun_bridg


ping 5
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
route-metric 1
proto tcp
ping-exit 90
remote [REDACTED]

Best Answer

You can start the OpenVPN link inside a namespace and then run every command you want to use that OpenVPN link inside the namespace. Details on how to do it are presented in Running an OpenVPN tunnel inside a network namespace, by Sebastian Thorarensen.

I tried it and it does work.  The idea is to provide a custom script to carry out the up and route-up phases of the OpenVPN connection inside a specific namespace instead of the global one.  Here is an answer based on the above source, but modified to add Google DNS to resolv.conf.

First create an --up script for OpenVPN.  This script will create the VPN tunnel interface inside a network namespace called vpn, instead of the default namespace.

$ cat > netns-up << 'EOF'
case $script_type in
                ip netns add vpn
                ip netns exec vpn ip link set dev lo up
                mkdir -p /etc/netns/vpn
                echo "nameserver" > /etc/netns/vpn/resolv.conf
                ip link set dev "$1" up netns vpn mtu "$2"
                ip netns exec vpn ip addr add dev "$1" \
                        "$4/${ifconfig_netmask:-30}" \
                        ${ifconfig_broadcast:+broadcast "$ifconfig_broadcast"}
                test -n "$ifconfig_ipv6_local" && \
                        ip netns exec vpn ip addr add dev "$1" \
                ip netns exec vpn ip route add default via "$route_vpn_gateway"
                test -n "$ifconfig_ipv6_remote" && \
                        ip netns exec vpn ip route add default via \
                ip netns delete vpn

Then start OpenVPN and tell it to use our --up script instead of executing ifconfig and route.

openvpn --ifconfig-noexec --route-noexec --up netns-up --route-up netns-up --down netns-up

Now you can start programs to be tunneled like this:

ip netns exec vpn command

The only catch is that you need to be root to invoke ip netns exec ... and maybe you do not want your application to run as root.  The solution is simple:

sudo ip netns exec vpn sudo -u $(whoami) command
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