Exploring RAM Contents in Linux


I am using a redis Database and would like to explore the contents of the RAM the application is using.

I feel the explanation of why I want to do this will make more sense then the question I would ask.

Redis is a simple key value store that stores binary data. I think it would be a good place to explore things like encoding and it would be interesting to me to do things like skimming over the RAM looking for binary sets of data, doing things like looking for simple patterns; maybe explore the idea of writing a baby query language that searched in RAM.

I had gotten this idea after reading the chapter in SICP about query languages.

Any thoughts on where to start? Initially, I want to ask "Give me the address space this application is running in, please" to the system.

Best Answer

You can use gdb to access the memory of a process.

Also, you should have a look at the "/proc" filesystem - it contains pseudo files for every process; some of them may contain interesting information

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