Linux Security – Execute Possibly Harmful Program


I'm writing a program that will test programs written by students. I'm afraid that I can't trust them and I need to make sure that it won't end up badly for the computer running it.

I was thinking about making some crash test user with limited access to system resources and run programs as that user, but from what I have found on the net so far, making a virtual system would be the safest option…

Can someone help me with choosing the right approach? Security is a big concern for me. On the other hand, I don't want a solution that is overkill and waste much time trying to learn something I don't really need.

Best Answer

  • Virtual machine can give you highest security without reboot, but lowest performance.

  • Another option, for even higher security than a virtual machine: boot a "live" CD/DVD/pendrive without access to the hard drive (temporarily disable the HDD in BIOS; if you can't, at least do not mount the drive / unmount it, if mounted automatically - but this is much less secure)

  • A docker container is a bit less secure alternative to a full virtual machine. Probably the crucial difference (in terms of security) between these two is that systems running in docker actually use the kernel of your host system.

  • There are programs such as isolate that will create a special, secured environment - this is generally called a sandbox - those are typically chroot-based, with additional supervision - find one that fits you.

  • A simple chroot will be least secure (esp. in regards to executing programs), though maybe a little faster, but... You'll need to build/copy a whole separate root tree and use bind mounts for /dev etc. (see Note 1 below!). So in general, this approach cannot be recommended, especially if you can use a more secure, and often easier to set up, sandbox environment.

Note 0: To the aspect of a "special user", like the nobody account: This gives hardly any security, much less than even a simple chroot. A nobody user can still access files and programs that have read and execute permissions set for other. You can test it with su -s /bin/sh -c 'some command' nobody. And if you have any configuration/history/cache file accessible to anybody (by a mistake or minor security hole), a program running with nobody's permissions can access it, grep for confidential data (like "pass=" etc.) and in many ways send it over the net or whatever.

Note 1: As Gilles pointed in a comment below, a simple chroot environment will give very little security against exploits aiming at privilege escalation. A sole chroot makes sense security-wise, only if the environment is minimal, consisting of security-confirmed programs only (but there still remains the risk of exploiting potential kernel-level vulnerabilities), and all the untrusted programs running in the chroot are running as a user who does not run any process outside the chroot. What chroot does prevent against (with the restrictions mentioned here), is direct system penetration without privilege escalation. However, as Gilles noted in another comment, even that level of security might get circumvented, allowing a program to break out of the chroot.