Arch Linux – Execute Code When Laptop is Plugged or Unplugged

arch linuxpower-management

I'm looking to run some code every time my laptop is plugged into, or unplugged from power. I know this can be done; for example, GNOME hooks into this functionality (somehow) to update the battery indicator in my toolbar. The code I want to execute is a simple shell script which switches between the integrated and discrete GPU depending on whether external power is available (a wrapper around gpu-switch).

I'm specifically interested in knowing about ways to do this other than polling and parsing the output of e.g. acpi -V to determine whether the battery is charging or not.

Best Answer

Create a udev rule that runs a script when the AC adapter is plugged and unplugged:

SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{online}=="0", RUN+="/path/to/your/script true"
SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{online}=="1", RUN+="/path/to/your/script false"
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