Linux – error open google-chrome on linuxmint


I've installed the latest version of google-chrome-stable (Google Chrome 61.0.3163.79), and I've tried to open in terminal using this command:


This error occurs:

[17942:17977:0907/] NSS_VersionCheck("3.26") failed. NSS >= 3.26 is required. Please upgrade to the latest NSS, and if you still get this error, contact your distribution maintainer.

OS: Linux Mint 17.3

Best Answer

Open Terminal.

Then Type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libnss3

It might ask for dependencies, check them carefully and confirm if ok.

This should update NSS to the latest version.

You can now open Google Chrome for Linux and see if it works.

If not try running it from terminal and see if it gives any error messages for future investigations

To run Google Chrome in terminal, type the following:

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