Linux equivalent of “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” on Windows


Where I live we have a corporate firewall which is configured to need a certificate installed on the computers in the house for it to be able to scan for vulnerabilities in secure connections. Without it, a few things won't work as the firewall behaves as a man in the middle, and of course a few websites will deny access to prevent any harm as it looks dangerous.

On Windows, I'd just need to double click the certificate (.p12 extension), insert the password and specify it to be put in "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and be done with it. On Linux, I haven't had much luck in doing that.

I'm running Arch.

Best Answer

I don't personally use Arch Linux, but this procedure works on most distributions.

First, you need to extract the CA certificate from your bundle. p12 files are basically a bundle of several components of a certificate.

openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -cacerts -in bundle.p12

You'll get one or more certificates dumped to your console. If you get more than one, find the one where the subject is the same as the issuer. This is your root certificate.

Take your root certificate (everything between, and including, the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines), and save it in a file in /etc/ssl/certs with the extension .pem.

Then do the following:

cd /etc/ssl/certs
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