Linux Kernel – Does it Need a File System to Run?


My opinion is yes, it does, because all useful exposure to the outside world (non-privileged processor mode) would first require a process running in the outside world. That would require a file system, even a temporary, in-RAM, file system.

Another engineer disagrees with me, but I can't seem to prove this beyond all (unknown to me) cases.

Does the answer to this question depend on the definition of 'running'?

Best Answer

That's rather an odd question because you don't run the kernel like you run a program. The kernel is a platform to run programs on. Of course there is setup and shutdown code but it's not possible to run the kernel on its own. There must always be a main "init" process. And the kernel will panic if it's not there. If init tries to exit the kernel will also panic.

These days the init process is something like systemd. If not otherwise specified the kernel will try to run a program from a list of locations starting with /sbin/init. See the init Param here in an emergency you can boot Linux with init=/bin/bash . But notice how you always specify a file on the file system to run.

So the kernel will panic if it starts up an has no file system because without one there is no way to load init.

Some confusion may arise because of an initialisation phase of the kernel. An initial ramdisk is loaded from an image on disk containing vital drivers and setup scripts. These are executed before the file system is loaded. But make no mistake the initial ramdisk is itself a file system. With an initial ramdisk /init is called (which is stored on the initial ramdisk). In many distributions it is ultimately this which calls /sbin/init. Again without a file system, this is impossible.