Linux – Does Linux provide Predictive Self-Healing on x86


Predictive Self Healing is a feature of the OS to predict, detect a fault with one of its components and automatically repair it. MINIX, Solaris OS and Linux on POWER all have this. But is it available in modern Linux distributions on x86 platform? Or will be?

Best Answer

Right now (as of late 2015) it depends on which level you would like to have self-healing capabilities.

I found a similar discussion here about the same issue where one of the "linux guys"1 replied that:

Doing this in-kernel would violate the separation of policy and mechanism. There's nothing wrong with providing the hooks necessary for userspace to do this, but it's generally userspace's responsibility to decide what should be done when a possible problem is detected. [in short..] A distro/vendor problem, not a kernel development problem.

Hence, from a kernel perspective, it seems that there is no intention to support this - unlike Minix, for instance. Having said this, I have not found the specific policy he's talking about or any direct statement by Linus about this.

From a user-space perspective there seems to be at least attempts to deal with this issue on file system level. As summery of another post and the corresponding comments, it is believed that whereas other OS deal with data corruption much better btrfs seems to be on a good way to implement this feature for Linux-based OSs as well. However, although claimed to be stable, it is by no means yet as powerful as SUN's (BSD-based) ZFS as can be read here2.

1 i.e. Chris Snook - former Red Hat associate

2 very exhaustive blog about benchmarking btrfs which comes to a rather negative conclusion (as of 2015/09/16)

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