Linux – DNS queries not using nscd for caching

arch linuxcachednslinux

I'm trying to use nscd (Nameservices Cache Daemon) to cache DNS locally so I can stop using Bind to do it. I've gotten it started and ntpd seems to attempt to use it. But everything else for hosts seems to ignore it. e.g if I do dig 3 times none of them will hit the cache. I'm viewing the cache stats using nscd -g to determine whether it's been used. I've also turned the debug log level up to see if I can see it hitting and the queries don't even hit nscd.


# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files
group: files
shadow: files

publickey: files

hosts: cache files dns
networks: files

protocols: files
services: files
ethers: files
rpc: files

netgroup: files
# End /etc/nsswitch.confenter code here


# /etc/nscd.conf
# An example Name Service Cache config file.  This file is needed by nscd.
# Legal entries are:
#       logfile                 <file>
#       debug-level             <level>
#       threads                 <initial #threads to use>
#       max-threads             <maximum #threads to use>
#       server-user             <user to run server as instead of root>
#               server-user is ignored if nscd is started with -S parameters
#       stat-user               <user who is allowed to request statistics>
#       reload-count            unlimited|<number>
#       paranoia                <yes|no>
#       restart-interval        <time in seconds>
#       enable-cache            <service> <yes|no>
#       positive-time-to-live   <service> <time in seconds>
#       negative-time-to-live   <service> <time in seconds>
#       suggested-size          <service> <prime number>
#       check-files             <service> <yes|no>
#       persistent              <service> <yes|no>
#       shared                  <service> <yes|no>
#       max-db-size             <service> <number bytes>
#       auto-propagate          <service> <yes|no>
# Currently supported cache names (services): passwd, group, hosts, services

    logfile                 /var/log/nscd.log
    threads                 4
    max-threads             32
    server-user             nobody
#   stat-user               somebody
    debug-level             9
#   reload-count            5
    paranoia                no
#   restart-interval        3600

    enable-cache            passwd          yes
    positive-time-to-live   passwd          600
    negative-time-to-live   passwd          20
    suggested-size          passwd          211
    check-files             passwd          yes
    persistent              passwd          yes
    shared                  passwd          yes
    max-db-size             passwd          33554432
    auto-propagate          passwd          yes

    enable-cache            group           yes
    positive-time-to-live   group           3600
    negative-time-to-live   group           60
    suggested-size          group           211
    check-files             group           yes
    persistent              group           yes
    shared                  group           yes
    max-db-size             group           33554432
    auto-propagate          group           yes

    enable-cache            hosts           yes
    positive-time-to-live   hosts           3600
    negative-time-to-live   hosts           20
    suggested-size          hosts           211
    check-files             hosts           yes
    persistent              hosts           yes
    shared                  hosts           yes
    max-db-size             hosts           33554432

    enable-cache            services        yes
    positive-time-to-live   services        28800
    negative-time-to-live   services        20
    suggested-size          services        211
    check-files             services        yes
    persistent              services        yes
    shared                  services        yes
    max-db-size             services        33554432


# Generated by dhcpcd from eth0

as kind of a side note I'm using Arch Linux.

note: this has been moved twice, I've never figured out why apps, excluding dig, are not hitting the nscd cache, browsers, IM, IRC, all should have been, but they didn't

Best Answer

The reason why you are missing the cache hits is that dig queries the DNS directly. You can try and see whether the cache works with the getent command:

getent hosts

Running a separate caching DNS is a good idea, but you should consider running it on the network level if possible. If each host cache the data separately they will still run multiple queries for the same hosts. Single cache works around this problem.

Nscd itself is a caching daemon for NSS functions. So the focus is a bit different than native caching nameservers. So if you just want a caching nameserver, use something else than nscd. If instead you wish to cache things like shared usernames and hostdata outside of the normal DNS system, go for nscd.

And for the record, I've grown quite fond of powerdns resolver (pdns-resolver).

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