Linux – Displaying text path in Caja (Linux Mint file manager)


In Linux Mint 13, the default configuration (under MATE) shows icons for the path rather than a text box containing the path. This is a huge issue for interfacing with the command line or programs, where I often need to copy/paste the path. The latest version of Ubuntu also has these annoying icons, but includes a small button to click to convert it to text-form.

Is there any way to force the file manager to show me the text form so I can copy/paste the active path? Bonus points: How do I make this the default?

file browser

Best Answer

Just press Ctrl-l - (l for Location) .. I used to prefer the text view full time (whe I first started using Ubuntu 10.04), but I soon realized that the directory icons are actually quite useful, as they are clickable..

If you prefer the keyboard over the mouse, then Ctrl-l is very fast... Or do you want the text showing full time, for a mouse action?

You used to be able to make it permanent in Gnome2/Nautilus via this command

gconftool-2 --type=bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry True

but this setting isn't in available for Caja in any form in Mate's Configuration Editor. There are also other settings which have gone walkabout (and perhaps a few new ones)...

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