Linux – Creating temp file vs process substitution vs variable expansion


If I am doing something like

  1. creating temporary file

    some process generating output > temp_file
    cat  temp_file
  2. process substitution:

    cat <(some process generating output)
  3. another way :

    cat <<<(some process generating output)

I have some doubts regarding these:

  1. Is there any limit on data output size of process substitution<() >() or variable expansion
  2. Which among these is the fastest or is there a way to do it faster?

My ulimit command output is :

bash-3.00$ ulimit -a
core file size        (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size         (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited
open files                    (-n) 256
pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 10
stack size            (kbytes, -s) 8480
cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes            (-u) 8053
virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) unlimited

Best Answer

Bash process substitution in the form of <(cmd) and >(cmd) is implemented with named pipes if the system supports them. The command cmd is run with its input/output connected to a pipe. When you run e.g. cat <(sleep 10; ls) you can find the created pipe under the directory /proc/pid_of_cat/fd. This named pipe is then passed as an argument to the current command (cat).

The buffer capacity of a pipe can be estimated with a tricky usage of dd command which sends zero data to the standard input of sleep command (which does nothing). Apparently, the process will sleep some time so the buffer will get full:

(dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 | sleep 999) &

Give it a second and then send USR1 signal to the dd process:

pkill -USR1 dd

This makes the process to print out I/O statistics:

65537+0 records in
65536+0 records out
65536 bytes (66 kB) copied, 8.62622 s, 7.6 kB/s

In my test case, the buffer size is 64kB (65536B).

How do you use <<<(cmd) expansion? I'm aware of it's a variation of here documents which is expanded and passed to the command on its standard input.

Hopefully, I shed some light on the question about size. Regarding speed, I'm not so sure but I would assume that both methods can deliver similar throughput.

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