Linux – cp -L vs. cp -H

command linecoreutilscplinuxoptions


When copying files with cp -H or cp -L, I get the same results:

$ ls -l fileA
  fileA -> fileB
$ cp fileA somewhere/ -H
$ ls -l somewhere/
  fileA     # fileA is a copy of fileB, only renamed, with same properties!

This answer here describes both options as similar UNLESS used in combination with -R. Not for me. Soft- as hardlinked files become renamed copies of the files they point to at the source.



What is the proper use of cp -H and cp -L? Is this the expected behavior?

My attempt to solve:
man cp tells me quite the same for both options, but info cp's wording makes it even more confusing for me. Maybe one can help me break this down a bit:

If a command line argument specifies a symbolic link, then copy the file it points to rather than the symbolic link itself. However, copy (preserving its nature) any symbolic link that is encountered via recursive traversal.

This sounds like a contradiction to me: I guess that »a symbolic link's nature« is that it points somewhere…

-L, --dereference
Follow symbolic links when copying from them. With this option, cp cannot create a symbolic link. For example, a symlink (to regular file) in the source tree will be copied to a regular file in the destination tree.

I do know that a symlink isn't a regular file, but… I admit I'm overchallenged with this explanation here.

Best Answer

With symlinks, tools have two things they can do:

  1. Treat the symlink as a symlink ("preserving its nature"), or
  2. Treat the symlink as the type of file that it points to.

Saying that -H "preserves its nature" is not a contradiction. Consider the alternative. If you use -L, any symlinks cp finds will be opened, and their contents copied to the target file name. So the source was a symlink, but its copy is not a symlink. So it "lost its nature as a symlink".


$ mkdir subdir
$ echo "some contents" > subdir/file
$ ln -s file subdir/link

# definition of "list", the abbreviated ls -l output used below
$ list() { ls -l "$@" | \
    awk '$0 !~ /^total/ { printf "%s %s\t%s %s %s\n", $1, $5, $9, $10, $11 }' ; }

$ list subdir
-rw-rw-r-- 14   file  
lrwxrwxrwx 4    link -> file

$ cp -rH subdir subdir-with-H
$ list subdir-with-H
-rw-rw-r-- 14   file  
lrwxrwxrwx 4    link -> file

$ cp -rL subdir subdir-with-L
$ list subdir-with-L
-rw-rw-r-- 14   file  
-rw-rw-r-- 14   link  
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