Linux Memory – How to Correctly Determine Memory Usage in Linux?


I'm a bit confused on some of the results I am seeing from ps and free.

On my server, this is the result of free -m

[root@server ~]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2048       2033         14          0         73       1398
-/+ buffers/cache:        561       1486
Swap:         2047         11       2036

My understanding of how Linux manages memory, is that it will store disk usage in RAM, so that each subsequent access is quicker. I believe this is indicated by the "cached" columns. Additionally, various buffers are stored in RAM, indicated in the "buffers" column.

So if I understand correctly, the "actual" usage is supposed to be the "used" value of "-/+ buffers/cache", or 561 in this case.

So assuming all of that is correct, the part that throws me is the results of ps aux.

My understanding of the ps results, is that the 6th column (RSS), represents the size in kilobytes the process uses for memory.

So when I run this command:

[root@server ~]# ps aux | awk '{sum+=$6} END {print sum / 1024}'

Shouldn't the result be the "used" column of "-/+ buffers/cache" from free -m?

So, how can I properly determine the memory usage of a process in Linux? Apparently my logic is flawed.

Best Answer

Shamelessly copy/pasting my answer from serverfault just the other day :-)

The linux virtual memory system isn't quite so simple. You can't just add up all the RSS fields and get the value reported used by free. There are many reasons for this, but I'll hit a couple of the biggest ones.

  • When a process forks, both the parent and the child will show with the same RSS. However linux employs copy-on-write so that both processes are really using the same memory. Only when one of the processes modifies the memory will it actually be duplicated.
    This will cause the free number to be smaller than the top RSS sum.

  • The RSS value doesn't include shared memory. Because shared memory isn't owned by any one process, top doesn't include it in RSS.
    This will cause the free number to be larger than the top RSS sum.