Linux – Compare two kernel config files from the menuconfig perspective


I have a situation in which i have two kernel config files (for the same kernel source ). Both of them have a part of the functionality that i need (on one, USB works correctly, on other, the second I2C).

I know that the differences between the two config files, from the perspective of menuconfig, include only a few selected options. (But don't know which ones)

However when the config files are manually compared (meld between two .config files), the differences are not simple to identify. I have tried merging them manually without success. I'm sure I'll succeeded eventually but believe the process could be much more painless if the files were compared in a way they appear in the menuconfig.

Can this be achieved, and if so, how?

Best Answer

Try using scripts/diffconfig from the Linux kernel source tree.


diffconfig config-a config-b

Shows a list of lines removed, modified and added to the config-b file with respect to config-a.

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