Linux – Clarify File Permissions


I've been searching for information about file/directory permissions, and I keep finding the same basic principles. What I can't find anywhere is a rationale for determining what permissions to give Owner, Group and Others. Exactly who/what falls into each of these classes? What are the implications of giving/not giving certain permissions to any of them? I'm concerned about making sure everything works properly without compromising security.

For example, I'm developing a small site on a shared host (Linux) and I would be the only person involved in the development/maintenance of it. There's nothing for viewers to download, but members are allowed to upload images through the API (which a php script finalizes with move_uploaded_file). The site's files are all .php, .css, .js, .html, .jpg and .gif (although there are .eot, .svg, .ttf and .woff files associated with one font). The directories and files all have the site's username as Owner and "inetuser" as Group.

Some of the questions I have rolling around in my head are:

  • When I log in with WS_FTP, am I Owner?
  • Is a web browser an Other?
  • Do the PHP scripts themselves fall into one of these classes?
  • What permissions does each kind of file/dir need under these
  • Is there a difference between read and execute on a .php file?
  • Since I have no idea who "inetuser" is, would I be correct in not
    giving Group any permissions? What if this was not the case (i.e.,
    the site's username was also used for Group – which it is on my dev
    site on a different host)?

I would be grateful for any insight anyone could give me, as well as for any recommended articles or books that would answer these kinds of questions.

Best Answer

You seem to understand the concept of permissions, but I think you're getting caught up on user/group/other and what those mean in various contexts.


  • A user is an individual POSIX account
  • A group is a logical grouping of multiple POSIX accounts

A file on disk has two owners. The user owner and the group owner. For any particular file, other is any user account that does not match the user nor is a member of the group. In other words, other is any user that is not the user owner and is not a member of the group owner.

Further, each process runs under a specific User ID (or UID), and is a member of one or more Group ID's (GID). Use the command ps -ef (on Linux and Solaris, or ps -ej on OS X or *BSD) to see the user executing each process. You'll see that apache and ws_ftp are also being executed by users.

When a process tries to access a file on disk the following happen:

  • If the UID of the process matches the user owner of the file then user permissions are enforced.
  • Else, if any GIDs of the process match the group owner of the file then group permissions are enforced.
  • Else other permissions are enforced.

To answer your questions specifically:

When I log in with WS_FTP, am I Owner?

Technically yes, because there is always an owner, but it depends on your definition of "I".

If you are logging in as a real POSIX user on the system then files you create/access will be as the user you logged in as. If you logged anonymously then the files you create/access will be that of the UID of WS FTP. This will likely be either ftp or nobody.

Is a web browser an Other?

The web browser is not anything because it's not being executed on the server. But the browser accesses a web server. The web server is running as some specific user (just like WS_FTP is). That user is likely www-data, apache or nobody.

Do the PHP scripts themselves fall into one of these classes?

PHP scripts are executed by the scripting engine module of the web server. They will be executed as the same user running the web server.

Is there a difference between read and execute on a .php file?

Yes. Read means that the user can read the contents of the file. Execute means that the contents can be run as a full fledged process.

Since PHP scripts execute inside the scripting engine of the web server (i.e., they are part of the memory space and execution thread of the server) they do not need to be set executable.

Since I have no idea who "inetuser" is, would I be correct in not giving Group any permissions? What if this was not the case (i.e., the site's username was also used for Group - which it is on my dev site on a different host)?

inetuser is a user account on the system, just like your account. It may also be a group. Hopefully you can answer this question yourself after reading through this.

What permissions does each kind of file/dir need under these circumstances?

Generally, you want data files to be owned by user accounts that are used by actual humans (i.e., you). In other words, your web content should not be owned by the apache user.

  • User permissions should almost always be rw- for data files or rwx for directories and programs.
  • Group permissions should usually be r-- for data files or r-x for directories and programs. If you want members of that group to be able to write to those files then it should be rw- and rwx.
  • Other permissions should almost always be r-- for data files and r-x for directories and programs or --- if you want to deny all access.
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