Linux – Change the lock screen wallpaper in Kali Sana (Gnome)


I'm annoyed by the 'lock screen' wallpaper of KALI SANA 2.0. This is the default 'lock screen' wallpaper:

enter image description here

I have seen many tutorials on how to change the 'login screen' wallpaper/background but didn't find any about changing the 'lock screen' wallpaper/background picture.

Is there anyone that can guide me through the process of changing the 'lock screen' wallpaper in KALI Sana 2.0?

Best Answer

Try this. Make a file called /usr/share/images/desktop-base/lockscreen.xml, somewhat like this:

      <size width="1920" height="1080">/path/to/wallpaper.jpg</size>

Then link the file like so: ln -sfv /usr/share/images/desktop-base/lockscreen.xml /etc/alternatives/desktop-background.xml

As root, run this: /etc/init.d/gdm3 restart or just reboot. That should do it. That was the process in older versions of Gnome, so as long as it hasn't changed, you should be good to go.

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