Linux Networking – Can’t Ping Broadcast Address


We're running four computers connected to a hub (yes a hub not a switch) on Fedora 13. They were installed using images from a colleague that has recently left us to go back to school, they may have been set to somehow block the use of the broadcast, but we'd like to continue using this image. We've setup the static IPs for each computer using ifconfig (we've also tried ip addr add) to through, using these settings we can't seem to ping the broadcast which is indeed set correctly to, using tcpdump we see nothing except outgoing ping requests from the computer that calls the ping request. Does anyone have any ideas or am I missing something entirely?

Best Answer

echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts - as root.

You may need to also use the -b option with ping and it will most likely require root permissions.

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