Linux – Can we switch desktop ( GNOME, KDE, etc ) within linux


I started using linux mint 13 mate yesterday. Although the words from their site is promising, I found it lack some ways for configuration.

For example, I want to enlarge the scroll bar so that I can easily locate it ( I am using a trackball which doesn't come with a scroll wheel, so I need to drag the scroll bar in windows ). After looking up all the option in Control Center, I failed to found a solution.

Can we switch to another desktop such as KDE?

Best Answer

Yes you can, for example you can run following command for installing KDE desktop:

sudo apt-get install kde-standard

Or for full set of package/applications (it may take a lot of tim) you can run:

sudo apt-get install kde-full

after next login select KDE from "session" on the Login Prompt to start enjoying the Kool Desktop Environment (KDE).

I recommend if you want to try new desktop, install a fresh one of an specific derivative (e.g. Kubuntu or Mint KDE).

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