Linux – Can GNU Parallel execute more parallel processes


Can I for example execute:

parallel -j 200 < list0

Where "list" has:

nice -n -20 parallel -j 100 < list2
nice -n -20 parallel -j 100 < list1

Would this be feasible/possible?

Best Answer

Not only is it possible; it is also recommended in some situations.

GNU Parallel takes around 10 ms to run a job. So if you have 8 cores and the jobs you run take less than 70 ms, then you will see GNU Parallel use 100% of a single core, and yet there will be idle time on other cores. Thus you will not use 100% of all cores.

The other situation where it is recommended is if you want to run more jobs than -j0 will do. Currently -j0 will run around 250 jobs in parallel unless you adjust some system limits. It makes perfect sense to run more than 250 jobs if the jobs are not limited by CPU and disk I/O. This is for example true if network latency is the limiting factor.

However, using 2 lists is not the recommended way to split up jobs. The recommended way is to use GNU Parallel to call GNU Parallel:

cat list0 | parallel -j20 --pipe parallel -j100

That will run 2000 jobs in parallel. To run more adjust -j. It is recommended that the outer (the 20) is at least the number of cores, so that there will be at least one GNU Parallel process on each core.

Using this technique you should have no problem starting 20000 jobs in parallel; when you get over 32000 processes things start acting up.

By first running:

echo 4194304 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max

I was able to run:

seq 1000000 2000000000 |
  parallel -j16 --roundrobin --pipe parallel -j0 --pipe parallel -j0 sleep

which will start 1 million processes in parallel (it takes 300 G RAM on my system).

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