Linux – Boot Linux system from a subdirectory on a partition


I would like to try to set up a computer so that it has multiple Linux installs all in the same filesystem. For example, the filesytem would have 3 folders: /Ubuntu_Precise, /Ubuntu_Oneiric, and /Ubuntu_Natty.

(I know you can do this with BTRFS and subvolumes, but I would like to use EXT4 for speed).

I once set up multiple installs of different distros using BTRFS, and from getting that working, I know Grub does just fine with booting the vmlinuz and initrd image from 'nonstandard' paths. But when I was doing the BTRFS thing, there was the rootflags=subvol=@<subvolume_name> that told the kernel to mount that subvolume as / in the filesystem. Is there any argument that you could pass the kernel that would make it bind mount a subfolder in a partition as / and then boot?

I think for the other parts, I'm fairly close. I know how to specific a bind mount in /etc/fstab. Also, from when I set up my system with multiple linux installs in BTRFS subvolumes, I'm used to installing a distro in a VM and then migrating it using rsync, so I'm not too worried about what I would need to do to get the right configuration, I'm just trying to find out what the right configuration would be. Once I know that, I should be able to do the migration into the subfolders and file editing easily enough.

I already know about virtualization and partitions, but that's not what I'm looking for. The target computer does not have enough power to do virtualization, and partitions do not share free space. I'm looking to set up a system that dual/triple/quad/etc boots linux distros, but that does it with one filesystem, so that there is no case of "I have free space, but it's in the wrong partition!'

If anyone has suggestions how to edit my question or its title to be clearer, I'm all ears.

Best Answer

Short answer -- there is as far as I know no out of the box working solution for your specific requirements. You will have to adjust each initramfs of each distribution to support your specific needs.

Long answer -- yes it is possible. Nowadays most Linux distributions use an initramfs which will be loaded into memory by the bootloader and then unpacked by the kernel. There it will run /sbin/init which is responsible for setting up the early userspace (running udev, loading modules, starting plymouth, asking for crypto passphrase, setting up the network for network mounts, … you name it). As you can run your own scripts and evaluate custom boot parmaters.

Example for Debian

If you are using Debian (should be the same with Ubuntu) you should be able to place a script in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/ which will be executded before init is started. For more information about the script, the different directories and the layout have a look at man initramfs-tools. You will have to adjust rootmnt and add the target directory.

Sample (untested) script which should be installed either as /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/00-myroot or /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/00-myroot :

#!/bin/sh -e


prereqs() { echo "$PREREQS"; }

case "$1" in
  exit 0

for opt in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
  case $opt in

if [ -n "$new_mntdir" ] ; then
  echo rootmnt="$rootmnt/$new_mntdir" >> /conf/param.conf

The idea is to adjust rootmnt which is used in the initramfs init script to start/execute the real init. As the root device is already mounted in the init-bootom stage you can just adjust/alter the target directory.

To use this script just add a new boot parameter, copy the script, make it executable, regenerate your initramfs and add a boot parameter for your Linux distribution, e.g. rootdir=/Ubuntu_Precise.

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