Linux – Bind Ctrl+Down in Joe on a Linux console

consolejoekey mappinglinuxterminal

When I want to select a line in joe editor, I can go to the beginning and simply pres CTRL-Down and this will select the line. I can move somewhere ales and copy the line with CTRL-k-c.

The key code corresonding to CTRL-Down is ^[[1;5B and I see this is defined in joe's config file /etc/joe/joerc:

dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking  ^[ [ 1 ; 5 B    Mark down

The above described works when I am in a virtual terminal, i.e. terminator. When I am in a console (i.e. CTRL-ALT-F2, it does not work anymore. Moreover, I have noticed that when I pres CTRL-Down in console, I get another code: ^[[B.

I am using console a lot and I would like to have the possibility to use the "Mark Down" feature. Is there any way to do it?

Best Answer

There's one big issue here: under the linux console there's no way to distinguish Ctrl-Down from Down, they both send the same ^[[B sequence.

To make it work we'd need to find a hack for the linux console to change that. Not pretty, but if you care enough about it it might be possible.

Otherwise, how about using another key binding ? Say Alt-/,
Just need to add this to /etc/joe/joerc next to the other one:

dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking  ^[ /            Mark down

and now it works in the terminal and console =)

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