Linux – Binary Compatibility Between Mac OS X and Linux


Brace yourselves, this question will likely appear naive and/or foolish, seeing as I am relatively new to the inner workings of unix like systems, and programming in general.

Ready? Ok! I will go through about 3 levels of ludicrosity, increasing as I go along.

We have two systems with similar hardware (main point being the processor, let us say a standard intel core 2 duo).

One is running (insert your linux distro here: Ubuntu will be used henceforth), and the other is running let's say Mac OS X.

One compiles an equivalent program, Let us say something like:

int main()
    int cat = 33;
    int dog = 5*cat;
    return dog;

The code is extremely simple, because I don't want to consider the implications of shared libraries yet.

When compiled on the respective systems. Is not the main difference between the output a matter of ELF vs Mach-O? If one were to strip each binary of the formatting, leaving a flat binary, wouldn't the disassembled machine instructions be the same? (with perhaps a few differences depending on the compilers habits/tendencies).

1.) If one were to develop a program to repackage the flat binary produced from our Ubuntu system, in the Mach-O formatting, would it run in the Mac OS X system? Then, if one only had the compiled binary of the supposed program above, and one had this mystical tool for repackaging flat binaries, would simple programs be able to run on the Mac OS X system?

Now let us take it a bit further.

We now have a program with source such as:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("I like tortoises, but not porpoises");
    return 0;

2.)Assuming this program is compiled and statically linked, would our magical program still be able to repackage the raw binary in the Mach-O format and have it work on mac os X? Seeing as it would not need to rely on any other binaries, (for which the mac system would not have in this case)

And now for the final level;

3.)What if we used this supposed program to convert all of the necessary shared libraries to the Mach-O format, and then instead compiled the program above with dynamic linking. Would the program still succeed to run?

That should be it for now, obviously each step of absurdity relies on the previous base, to even make sense. so If the very first pillar gets destroyed, I doubt there would be much merit to the remaining tiers.

I definitely would not even go as far as to think of this with programs with GUI's in mind. Windowing systems would likely be a whole other headache. I am only considering command line programs at this stage.

Now, I invite the world to correct me,and tell me everything that is wrong with my absurd line of thinking.

Best Answer

You forget one crucial thing, namely that your program will have to interact with the operating system to do anything interesting.

The conventions are different between Linux and OS X so the same binary cannot run as-is without essentially having a chunk of operating system dependent code to be able to interact with it. Many of these things are provided through libraries, which you then need to link in, and that means your program needs to be linkable, and linking is also different between the two systems.

And so it goes on and on. What on the surface sounds like doing the same thing is very different in the actual details.

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