Linux – Are there rc logs in arch

arch linuxlogs

One of my processes is failing to start fairly early in the boot process (I suspect mdadm and I suspect that it's just taking longer than the rc script allows for) but I can't quite catch/see it during boot and Arch clears the screen before the login prompt appears. Does Arch keep any logs of the init process that might show or is there any way to see what was on the screen before it clears or keep it from clearing the screen?

update I'm really talking about the rc scripts and output to the screen… This does not actually translate to things sent to the system logs or errors output by daemons unfortunately. Gentoo had a special log just for the boot output, but it wasn't enabled by default, I'm hoping Arch has something similar.

Best Answer

If you add a -i option to the getty command in /etc/inittab this will stop the screen from clearing. So try something like:

c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -i -8 38400 tty1 linux
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