Life with empty about:plugins (so without flash)


I use Firefox as it is stated in the $subject. Nevertheless there are still too many contents (I'm talking about mostly videos) on the web that needs flash. This is what I use for it:

So in this way I can download/view with VLC ex.: youtube videos. But aren't there a better way to do this? To get the life without flash easier?

And no, enabling html5 on youtube… doesn't help, because it looks like very-very-very low percentage of the youtube videos are viewable in html5..

UPDATE: so I don't want to run videos inside my browser. They will be always slower compared to a video natively played in ex.: VLC. Also AFAIK it's much safer to have empty about:plugins and play the needed videos in VLC.

Best Answer

Life without the adobe flash plugin is not going to be easy until there are usable and free alternative flash players.

Here is a list of alternatives:

IMHO the most promising of those is shumway.

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