Kill a suspended process


I was slightly confused by:

% vim tmp
zsh: suspended   vim tmp
% kill %1
% jobs
[1]  + suspended   vim tmp
% kill -SIGINT %1
% jobs
[1]  + suspended   vim tmp
% kill -INT %1
% jobs
[1]  + suspended   vim tmp

So I resigned to just "do it myself" and wonder why later:

% fg
[1]  - continued   vim tmp
Vim: Caught deadly signal TERM
Vim: Finished.
zsh: terminated   vim tmp


Makes sense really, now that I think about it, that vim has to be running in order for it's signal handler to be told to quit, and to do so.

But obviously not what I intended.

Is there a way to "wake and quit" in a single command? i.e., a built-in alias for kill %N && fg %N?

Why does resuming in the background not work? If I bg instead of fg, Vim stays alive until I fg, which sort of breaks my above intuition.

Best Answer

vi-vi-vi is of the devil. You must kill it with fire. Or SIGKILL:

kill -KILL %1

The builtin kills are kind enough to send SIGCONT to suspended processes so that you don't have to do it yourself, but that won't help if the process blocks the signal you're sending or if handling the signal causes the processes to become suspended again (if a background process tries to read from the terminal, by default, it'll be sent SIGTTIN, which suspends the process if unhandled).

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