Keep patch in sync with changing source


Is there any standard option to create 'patch' P that works on file F in such way that it will keep working correctly when file F changes into F'.

So I will either have some mechanism that will change P into P' so that P'(F') produces the same change as P(F), or, preferably, I will have resilient P so that it can be used for both F & F'.

Currently I am using the regular expression search and replace to create such patch, but I wonder is there any standard way to do such thing.

Best Answer

This problem is known as merging. You have an original file A and two modified versions B and C, and you want to make a version D that combines both modifications. This only works if the changes are independent; otherwise, merging is a manual process. Handling merges of concurrent changes to source code is a frequent task in software engineering.

In simple cases, a patch produced by diff will already work if the source file has changed. The patch utility allows some “fuzz”: if you make a diff from A to B, and the areas affected by that diff are identical (but possibly at different offsets in the file) in A and C, then the patch will apply cleanly on C. This works well as long as the changed areas in B and C aren't at the same locations (there has to be a couple of lines' separation).

When patches don't apply cleanly, merging is a difficult and domain-specific problem. For example, consider these two changes:

A         B         C
a=2       a=3       b=2
x=a       x=a       x=b

Human beings tend to spot the pattern that B has changed 2 to 3 and C has renamed a to b, so the result of the merge should be b=3, x=b. But automated tools are likely to flag the first line as a conflict, because it's been modified in two different ways.

Writing a patch that “does something sensible” to both B and C is a difficult (AI-complete) problem. In practical cases, for many typical situations, using diff -u A B as the patch tends to either work and produce the desired D out of C, or fail with an error stating that the patch doesn't apply cleanly.

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