Keep Log File Size Fixed Without Using Logrotate


Is there any way to keep file size of log file fixed without rotating it by a new empty file and deleting (or archiving) the old file. For example, if I set log file maximum size to 1MB, after the file size increase beyond that limit it will be automatically clamped, the text is added on 'tail' and the oldest part of text is poped out to keep the file size 1MB.

Best Answer

You could write a little bash script to do this. Just tail the file to a certain byte count using tail -c and overwrite the file.

from man tail:

-c, --bytes=N
              output the last N bytes; alternatively, use +N to  output  bytes
              starting with the Nth of each file

   If  the  first  character of N (the number of bytes or lines) is a `+',
   print beginning with the Nth item from the start of each  file,  other‐
   wise, print the last N items in the file.  N may have a multiplier suf‐
   fix:  b  512,  kB  1000,  K  1024,  MB  1000*1000,  M   1024*1024,   GB
   1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.
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