Kate Window Borders – Fix Missing Minimize, Maximize, and Close Buttons


I usually use kate as my preferred text editor, however, whenever I open it there are no window borders, and thus no maximize, minimize, and close buttons. How can I fix this?

I tried going thought the view menu, but was unable to find any settings to alter this.

Moreover, it seems to be stuck in "always on top mode" and thus I cannot view my panel to use right click to close or modify it.

Pressing F11 produces no change.

There is a scroll bar, but it doesn't appear to be controlled by the window manager (kwin) as it is much wider than normal and has a mini preview of the entire document as its background. I'd prefer not to override this feature if possible.

I have an almost default install of Linux Mint KDE 16 x64.

Related: How do I exit full screen after enabling via the right click context menu of kwin (KDE)?

Best Answer

This will happen if you:

  • right click on the kate window border or it's entry in the task manager bar
  • select 'more actions' -> 'Full screen'


  • press ctrl-shift-F

I originally solved this by:

  • removing katerc from ~/.kde/share/config

This is best undone by:

  • pressing ctrl-shift-F
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