JSON Parsing in Shell – Zsh and String Handling


How can I parse JSON output on the shell?

For example, Amazon Web Services provides a CLI to retrieve the status of your instances:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances <my_instance_id>

But the command returns a JSON string. The output of that command looks like this:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances x12345
    "Reservations" :
            "OwnerId": "1345345"
            "Groups": [], 
            "SecurityGroups": [
                  "Foo" : "yes"
                  "Bar" : "no

Are there an shells built-ins that could be used to parse JSON output?

For example, I would like to capture in a shell variable FOO, the following output["Reservations"]["SecurityGroups"][0]{"Foo"}.

In case it helps, I am specifically interested in solutions that could work from Zsh.

Best Answer

As I understand it you're looking for the value of "Foo". This is really easy to do with the shell command-line tool jq. It is something like sed in that it implements its own kind of parser language. Given your example:

    "Reservations" :
            "OwnerId" : "1345345",
            "Groups" :  [],
            "SecurityGroups" : [
                  "Foo" : "yes",
                  "Bar" : "no"

jq can get yes as simply as:

printf %s "$json" |
jq '.[].SecurityGroups[0].Foo?'                                                



You can walk through an object hash or dictionary list using the .dot notation, and indexed arrays can be indexed more simply, with, as you have probably guessed, numeric, square-bracketed indices. In the command above I use the empty index form to indicate that I want all of that level's iterable items expanded. That may be easier to understand in this way:

printf %s "$json" | jq '.[][]'

... which breaks out all values for the second level items in the hash and gets me...

    "Foo": "yes",
    "Bar": "no"

This barely scratches the surface with regards to jq's capabilities. It is an immensely powerful tool for serializing data in the shell, it compiles to a single executable binary in the classic Unix-style, it is very likely available via package-manager for your distribution, and it is very well documented. Please visit its git-page and see for yourself.

By the way, another way to tackle layered-data in json - at least to get an idea of what you're working with - might be to go the other way and use the .dot notation to break out all values at all levels like:

printf %s "$json" | jq '..'

  "Reservations": {
    "OwnerId": "1345345",
    "Groups": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "Foo": "yes",
        "Bar": "no"
  "OwnerId": "1345345",
  "Groups": [],
  "SecurityGroups": [
      "Foo": "yes",
      "Bar": "no"
    "Foo": "yes",
    "Bar": "no"
  "Foo": "yes",
  "Bar": "no"

But far better, probably, would be just to use one of the many discovery or search methods that jq offers for the various types of nodes.

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