Joining two files based on two key columns awk

awkjoin;text processing

I've been trying to merge two big files based on two key columns (Chromosome and Position) and I found out that the most efficient way seems to be awk.

A sample of how my files look like is:

Gene_ID Chromosome Position Fst
ENSG00000141424 18 33688658 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688669 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688681 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688683 0.0111734
ENSG00000141424 18 33688720 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688726 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688743 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688745 0
ENSG00000141424 18 33688763 0

And the other file:

Chromosome Start End Ref Alt RS_ID
1   10019   10020   TA  T   rs775809821
1   10020   10020   A   -   rs775809821
1   10055   10055   -   A   rs768019142
1   10055   10055   T   TA  rs768019142
1   10108   10108   C   T   rs62651026
1   10109   10109   A   T   rs376007522
1   10128   10128   A   AC  rs796688738
1   10128   10128   -   C   rs796688738
1   10139   10139   A   T   rs368469931
1   10144   10145   TA  T   rs144773400

I want to get a third file looking like this:

Gene_ID Chromosome Position RS_ID Fst
ENSG00000141424 18 33688658 rs1504554... 0

I've tried using awk and I think the syntax is OK but what I get is a file containing file1.txt and file2.txt concatenated.

awk  'FS=" "; OFS=" ";NR=FNR{A[$1,$2]=$6;next}{$5=A[$2,$3];print}' file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt

Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?

Best Answer

A few correction of your code should fix it

awk 'NR==FNR{A[$1,$2]=$6;next}{$5=A[$2,$3];if($5!="")print}' file2.txt file1.txt
  • NR==FNR instead of NR=FNR is the condition when awk runs through the first file file2.txt
  • On the second run when NR!=FNR we print out the line if there exists a join key in A
  • The default field separator for awk is already a whitespace, so no need to specify them here
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