Awk Join – How to Join Two Files with Matching Columns



    id                            No
    gi|371443199|gb|JH556661.1| 7907290
    gi|371443198|gb|JH556662.1| 7573913
    gi|371443197|gb|JH556663.1| 7384412
    gi|371440577|gb|JH559283.1| 6931777


 id                              P       R       S
 gi|367088741|gb|AGAJ01056324.1| 5       5       0
 gi|371443198|gb|JH556662.1|     2       2       0
 gi|367090281|gb|AGAJ01054784.1| 4       4       0
 gi|371440577|gb|JH559283.1|     21      19      2


 id                              P       R       S  NO
 gi|371443198|gb|JH556662.1|     2       2       0  7573913
 gi|371440577|gb|JH559283.1|     21      19      2  6931777

File1.txt has two columns & File2.txt has four columns. I want to join both files which has unique id (array[1] should match in both files (file1.txt & file2.txt)
and give ouput only matched id (see output.txt).

I have tried join -v <(sort file1.txt) <(sort file2.txt). Any help with awk or join commands requested.

Best Answer

join works great:

$ join <(sort File1.txt) <(sort File2.txt) | column -t | tac
 id                           No       P   R   S
 gi|371443198|gb|JH556662.1|  7573913  2   2   0
 gi|371440577|gb|JH559283.1|  6931777  21  19  2

ps. does ouput column order matter?

if yes use:

$ join <(sort 1) <(sort 2) | tac | awk '{print $1,$3,$4,$5,$2}' | column -t
 id                           P   R   S  No
 gi|371443198|gb|JH556662.1|  2   2   0  7573913
 gi|371440577|gb|JH559283.1|  21  19  2  6931777
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