Is this enough for a working mail server


I have an internet connection with a public, static IPv4 address (the IP address has a PTR record for domain, and I own domain, and have nameservers for it elsewhere, mx record is set to use the static ip). I have an OpenBSD i386 installed on a machine that is the only thing that uses this internet connection.

If I nmap all the port of it from the internet side, I can't see any open ports. Great. Since no service is running on the OpenBSD machine that is faced to the internet.

I need to install a mail server on it, so people could use it for sending/receiving e-mails securely.

So I googled and I will choose to install:

OpenSMPTd for SMTPS (using port 465)
popa3d for POP3S (using port 995)

Question: is this enough for a mail server? Will I be able to send/receive e-mails? (only port 465 will be open for the world/internet, pop3s will be only allowed from localhost, because we will use an ssh tunnel /with port knock/ to this openbsd machine to receive mail), so nmaping all the ports of the openbsd machine only outputs that port 465 is open.

UPDATE: so it turn out I don't really need a pop3 server, because I just need to log in to the openbsd machine, and there I can see the mails locally(afaik thunderbird can be set to see local mails.).

Best Answer

You will be able to send mail, and your users will be able to submit mail to the system, but most if not all mail servers will look for SMTP (port 25) to submit mail to you. You can encourage TLS on the SMTP port, but I don't believe mail servers normally try to deliver to SMTPS.

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