Is there man command for bundle


There is a command bundle in ruby.

I want use man command or similar function for bundle. Does it exist?
If there is it, I want to know how to look for separated command like bundle gem.

I can see it online, but I prefer to read it in command line.

Best Answer

Definitely, the bundle-gem online manual was created from the bundle-gem.ronn file. And ronn is a format (and program) meant to be formatted as a man page.

First let's get the files (for bundler-gem and ronn):

git clone
gem install ronn  # this actually depends on mustache, rdiscount and hpricot

And create the man page:

$ /home/grochmal/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin/ronn -r bundler/man/bundle-gem.ronn 
     roff: bundler/man/bundle-gem.1

(You probably have the gem path in PATH, but I added it here just in case. Also -r stands for roff i.e. the format used for man pages)

And see the manpage:

man bundler/man/bundle-gem.1

If you want the manpage to show when you do man bundle-gem place it somewhere sensible and add that place to MANPATH. For example:

mkdir ~/man{,/man1}
cp bundler/man/bundle-gem.1 ~/man/man1/
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:~/man

(Note the use of man sections here)

Extra notes

Since ronn uses hpricot you can use ronn -5 <file.ronn> to generate that web manual you were reading.

gem will run ronn for you, therefore if you installed bundler with gem you will have the manual page in ~/.gem/ruby/<version>/gems/bundler-<version>/man. Unfortunately gem does not follow the *nix convention of dividing man sections into directories (man1, man2, ...), therefore it may be troublesome to retrieve the man pages from ~/.gem (using MANPATH isn't an option here).

If you do not have MANPATH set yet, then your system is using /etc/man_db.conf. In that case you should set MANPATH as:

export MANPATH=`manpath`:~/man
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