Unix – Why is There a * When Mentioning Unix?


I've noticed that throughout the Internet, within forums and blog posts, Unix always has a * in the word, whether it is *nix or Un*x, as I noticed at the welcoming banner at the Unix StackExchange site.

Why is this like this?

Best Answer

Most of these answers are far too late to the game, as the * usage was used on Usenet and elsewhere to refer to the multiplicity of Unixoid systems. This was significantly before "the suits" even knew what was happening in cyberspace and didn't understand it if they did.

I found a reference in the comp.risks archive dated May 1987 where the title

Concerning UN*X (in)security

was already so pedestrian as to warrant no explanation. By this time Xenix had been long on the market as were various "*ix" based variants which were decidedly "unix" but not "Unix".