Monitoring – Tool to Monitor Bandwidth Usage of a Single Process


I've found a nice monitor which allows me to log a variety of runtime data of a single process. I'm looking for an equivalent that does the same for bandwidth usage. Ideally, the command should look like bwmon --pid 1 --log init.log. Is there such? Can it run without admin privileges?

Best Answer

something to get you started (just in case you want to write it yourself):

# usage: bwmon PID

IN=0; OUT=0; TIME=0

get_traffic() {
    t=`awk '/eth0:/ { printf("%s,%d,%d\n",strftime("%s"),$2,$10); }' < /proc/$1/net/dev`
    IN=${t#*,}; IN=${IN%,*}

get_traffic $1
while true
    get_traffic $1
    echo "$TIME,$(( $TIME - $_TIME )),$IN,$(( $IN - $_IN )),$OUT,$(( $OUT - $_OUT))"
    sleep 1


  • checks only eth0
  • checks every 1 second
  • works only under linux, but other unixes work similar (procfs or whatever)
  • output could be stored into a sqlite.db with stat --printf="%N\n" /proc/PID/exe | cut -d ' ' -f 3
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