Small, lightweight application to have desktop icons like on Windows


I run Fluxbox with tint2 which I am very happy with, as I prefer it to running a full desktop environment, even a lightweight desktop environment.

On the other hand, my normal workflow revolves around having files I am currently working on on the desktop.

Is there any sort of application that can give me "desktop icons" in the same way MS Windows and KDE/Gnome have, allowing files and shortcuts on the desktop? Ideally something that would fit in well with my fluxbox/tint2 setup and not require gnome or kde….

Best Answer

Are you actually asking about having 'desktop icons', because it seems to be the situation. I'll go with the assumption that you want 'desktop' style icons, and still use the *box style right click menu.

Yes it is possible, and some good guides already exist. Although Fluxbox is different from Openbox, the minimal environment is similar. The are quality guides located at Urukrama's Blog. Obviously anything specific to OpenBox is not relevant, but regardless the external tool recommendations still apply.

You should look, iDesk Check out the screenshots, so you can see the results.

You also have the option of using a file-manager, which has the ability to draw desktop icons. All three of these options would work, PCMan-FM, Rox-filer, or Gnome’s Nautilus.

If you have any questions, comment below and I'll respond.

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