USB Drive – Why PC Freezes When Copying Files to Pendrive


I have a really strange situation here. My PC works fine, at least in most cases, but there's one thing that I can't deal with. When I try to copy a file from my pendrive, everything is ok — I got 16-19M/s , it works pretty well. But when I try to copy something to the same pendrive, my PC freezes. The mouse pointer stops moving for a sec or two, then it moves a little bit and it stops again. When something is playing, for example, in Amarok, the sound acts like a machine gun. The speed jumps from 500K/s to 15M/s, average 8M/s. This occurs only when I'm copying something to a pendrive. When the process of copying is done, everything backs to normal.

I tried everything — other pendrive, a different USB port on front panel or those ports from back, I even changed the USB pins on motherboard (front panel), but no matter where I put my USB stick, it's always the same. I tried different filesystem — fat32, ext4. I have no problem with the device on Windows, on my laptop. It has to be my PC or something in my system. I have no idea what to look for. I'm using Debian testing with standalone Openbox. My PC is kind of old — Pentium D 3GHz, 1GiB of RAM, 1,5TB WD Green disk. If you have something that would help me to solve this issue, I'd be glad to hear that.

I don't know what else info I should provide, but if you need something, just ask, I'll update this post as soon as possible.

I tried to reproduce this problem on ubuntu 13.04 live cd. I mounted my encrypted partition + encrypted swap and connected my pendrive to a usb port. Next I tried to start some apps, and now I have ~820MiB in RAM and about 400MiB in SWAP. There's no problem with copying, no freezing at all, everything is as it should be. So, it looks like it's a fault of the system, but where exactly? What would cause such a weird behavior?

Best Answer

Are you using a 64-bit version of Linux with a lot of memory? In that case the problem could be that Linux can lock for minutes on big writes on slow devices like for example SD cards or USB sticks. It's a known bug that should be fixed in newer kernels.


Workaround: as root issue:

echo $((16*1024*1024)) > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_bytes
echo $((48*1024*1024)) > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_bytes

I have added it to my /etc/rc.local file in my 64bit machines.

TANSTAAFL; this change can (and probably will) reduce your throughput to these devices --- it's a compromise between latency and speed. To get back to the previous behavior you can

echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_bytes
echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_bytes

...which are the default values, meaning that the writeback behavior will be controlled by the parameters dirty_ratio and dirty_background_ratio.

Note for the not-so-expert-with-linux people: the files in /proc are pseudofiles --- just communication channels between the kernel and user space. Never use an editor to change or look at them; get instead a shell prompt --- for example, with sudo -i (Ubuntu flavors) or su root and use echo and cat).

Update 2016/04/18 it seems that, after all, the problem is still here. You can look at it at, in this article about writeback queues.

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