Is space not allowed in a filename


It is said that on Unix and Linux in general, you should avoid having spaces in a filename of a file (ordinary file, dir, link, device file, …).

But I do that all the time. For a filename with a space inside,

  • In Nautilus, the space character is shown as a space.
  • In Bash terminal, I either use \ to represent a space, or enclose the filename within a pair of double quotes.
  • in some applications's files (Nautilus, not sure if OS will also do so), the filename is written with the space replaced with %20.

Is a space really not allowed in a filename?

How do you use or deal with a space in a filename correctly?

Best Answer

Spaces, and indeed every character except / and NUL, are allowed in filenames. The recommendation to not use spaces in filenames comes from the danger that they might be misinterpreted by software that poorly supports them. Arguably, such software is buggy. But also arguably, programming languages like shell scripting make it all too easy to write software that breaks when presented with filenames with spaces in them, and these bugs tend to slip through because shell scripts are not often tested by their developers using filenames with spaces in them.

Spaces replaced with %20 is not often seen in filenames. That's mostly used for (web) URLs. Though it's true that %-encoding from URLs sometimes makes its way into filenames, often by accident.

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