Is space allowed between #! and /bin/bash in shebang


In a shebang, is a space or more allowed between #! and the interpreter?

For example, #! /bin/bash. It seems work, but some said that it is incorrect.

Best Answer

Yes, this is allowed.

The Wikipedia article about the shebang includes a 1980 email from Dennis Ritchie, when he was introducing kernel support for the shebang (as part of a wider package called interpreter directives) into Version 8 Unix (emphasis mine):

The system has been changed so that if a file being executed begins with the magic characters #!, the rest of the line is understood to be the name of an interpreter for the executed file. […]

To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, put

#! /bin/sh

at the left margin of the first line of your shell scripts. Blanks after ! are OK.

So spaces after the shebang have been around for quite a while, and indeed, Dennis Ritchie’s example is using them.

Note that early versions of Unix had a limit of 16 characters in this interpreter line, so you couldn’t have an arbitrary amount of whitespace there. This restriction no longer applies in modern kernels.