Linux – Types of Output That Can Be Redirected to a File


Is it true to conclude that there are 4 types of stream output we can reference to a file in Linux, if we don't want them to appear in the CLI after executing their command?

Possible references to a file:

  1. All stream output
  2. Only stderr
  3. Only stdout (including stdout's final result).
  4. stdout and stderr (excluding stdout's final result).


An example for number 4 might be find / -type f -name php.ini 2>/dev/null. As I understand, with this command we get no stderr, and no stdout (besides the stdout's final result which in this case is the file we searched for, if it was found).

Best Answer

There are two output streams connected to each process on a Unix system: standard output (stdout, file-descriptor 1) and standard error (stderr, file-descriptor 2). These may be redirected independent of each other. Standard input uses file-descriptor 0.

  • To redirect standard output to the file file, use >file or the more explicit 1>file. Replace file by /dev/null to discard the data.
  • To redirect standard error to the file file, use 2>file.
  • To redirect standard error to wherever standard output is going, use 2>&1.
  • To redirect standard output to wherever standard error is going, use 1>&2.

There is no concept "the final result" of a stream or process. I suppose whatever is sent to standard output may be taken as the "result" of a process, unless it also outputs data to some file it opens by itself or has other side-effects (like unlinking a file from a directory, in the case of rm, or handling a number of network connections, in the case of sshd). A process also returns an exit status (zero for "success" and non-zero for "failure") which could be seen as "the result" of that process, but this is not necessarily related to the output streams of the process.

Streams may also be redirected in append mode, in which means that if the redirection is to a file, that file will not initially be truncated, and any data on the stream will be appended to the end of the file. One does this by using >>file instead of >file.

In the note in the question, the command

find / -type f -name php.ini 2>/dev/null

is given. This redirects (discards) only standard error. The standard output stream is not redirected at all and will therefore be visible, in its entirety, in the console or terminal. If it was an intermediate part of a pipeline, the standard output stream would be fed into the standard input of the next command in the pipeline.

So to conclude, I'd say that there are two (not four) output streams. These may be redirected independently in various ways, which includes discarding their contents.