Is it possible to run a script on power button press with systemd


I looked around and didn't found anything on this, for what I've seen, people always have been satisfied with what logind.conf is offering, here is the interesting part of man logind.conf:

HandlePowerKey=, HandleSuspendKey=, HandleHibernateKey=, HandleLidSwitch=, HandleLidSwitchDocked=
       Controls how logind shall handle the system power and sleep keys and the lid switch to trigger actions such as system power-off or suspend. Can be one of "ignore", "poweroff", "reboot", "halt", "kexec", "suspend", "hibernate", "hybrid-sleep", and "lock". If "ignore", logind will never handle these keys. If
       "lock", all running sessions will be screen-locked; otherwise, the specified action will be taken in the respective event. Only input devices with the
       "power-switch" udev tag will be watched for key/lid switch events.  HandlePowerKey= defaults to "poweroff".  HandleSuspendKey= and HandleLidSwitch= default to
       "suspend".  HandleLidSwitchDocked= defaults to "ignore".  HandleHibernateKey= defaults to "hibernate". If the system is inserted in a docking station, or if
       more than one display is connected, the action specified by HandleLidSwitchDocked= occurs; otherwise the HandleLidSwitch= action occurs.

       A different application may disable logind's handling of system power and sleep keys and the lid switch by taking a low-level inhibitor lock
       ("handle-power-key", "handle-suspend-key", "handle-hibernate-key", "handle-lid-switch"). This is most commonly used by graphical desktop environments to take
        over suspend and hibernation handling, and to use their own configuration mechanisms. If a low-level inhibitor lock is taken, logind will not take any action
       when that key or switch is triggered and the Handle*= settings are irrelevant.

I then repeat the interesting part here:

Controls how logind shall handle the system power and sleep keys and the lid switch to trigger actions such as system power-off or suspend. Can be one of
"ignore", "poweroff", "reboot", "halt", "kexec", "suspend", "hibernate", "hybrid-sleep", and "lock".

Or I am in the wrong way and this is just for keyboard keys, and not power button?

In any case, previously, it was easy with acpi, one just had to replace the power_button script in /usr/lib/acpid/, isn't there something equivalent for systemd ?

NB (IMPORTANT): How can I run a script on keyboard power key press with systemd? is NOT a duplicate since has been wrongly marked as duplicate of How to change Power button shutdown action to run a script under systemd that DOES NOT answer my question, since this is to manage power key from keyboard, not power button:

Power button

And as suggested by @TooTea it may be true that button integrated into the case is seen as a keyboard button press, anyway, after having checked I have no such /dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd file to monitor key pressed, then it definitively does not answer my question.

Best Answer

Finally I found a solution, but by luck because I'm using openbox:

And in my case under LXDE, then, edit ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml and in <keyboard> ... </keyboard> section add:

  <keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
      <action name="Execute">
        <command>command or script to run</command>

For example for my test I just open a popup saying "Power off pressed":

  <keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
      <action name="Execute">
        <command>zenity --info --text="Power off pressed"</command>

Then in a terminal type openbox-lxde --reconfigure so that it is taken into account, press your tower case power button and the following message will appear:

enter image description here

Edit: I forgot to mention (but not sure this is mandatory), I have system shutdown button set to nothing, to check this, go to "Start menu" -> "System" -> "Preferences" -> "Power Manager", and ensure that "When power button is pressed" is set to "Do nothing":

enter image description here

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